Meet Kathy

Kathy Weidner was born into a large Christian family in northern Indiana. Being the tenth child in the family, she wasn’t always heard, understandably. She found her expressive voice through creating art. She enjoys incorporating collage into mixed media pieces, and creating with graphite, colored pencil, charcoal, ink, acrylics and oils. Her prolific artwork always includes something that inspires her, usually children. She feels that we can all walk away with a deeper appreciation if we just slow down and observe life around us, like children do. They see the beauty and wonder that adults so frequently miss or take for granted. She enjoys the unique perspectives found in candid photos and how artwork further freezes that moment in time, capturing the feeling and essence of the moment.


Kathy studied Art privately for over 6 years and then continued her art education, taking many classes and completing Art Academy. During that time she not only grew artistically, but also personally, going through many challenges. She had obstacles to overcome, including a divorce that certainly affected her young family and later the loss of her 2nd husband. She put her creativity aside for a time to raise her children and to work. The common thread in her unpaid and paid positions was as a caregiver, caring for children, her late husband, elderly and for physically and developmentally disabled. She is a mother of 4 and a grandmother to 6. She said, “it wasn’t an easy life, by any means”. Through her close personal relationship with Christ and the freedom that God gave her from anxiety, she realized that she could help women. Kathy developed a 90-day online Art program called “Awakening Art”.  She now helps women reduce anxiety and gain insights through Art and the Word of God. She has the privilege leading them into a more balanced and peaceful life. She has over 10 years experience coaching art and has worked with women of all ages. 


Of the many things that Kathy has accomplished with creating artwork and coaching, it is the personal connection with her clients, their “Ah-ha” moments, and their artistic and spiritual breakthroughs that she absolutely loves the most. She participates in exhibiting her artwork from time to time, but it's the process of creating and guiding Christian women into more peace using art that she puts most of her time and energy into. She provides them with lasting, beneficial tools in which to guide them into a more victorious life. Kathy gladly works with individuals, groups and families online. 


Scan the QR code to learn more about her Awakening Art Online Course for women ages 12 and up!